Pre-K Post

August 29, 2016

Dear Preschool Parents,

We are looking forward to another terrific week as we get ready to meet our first Letter Friend Puppet, Mr. N. He will introduce and help us learn all about the letter N with many fun songs, activities and stories. Be sure to ask your child about Mr. N and his noisy nose. On Friday your child may bring in a toy or item from home that begins with the letter N for our Alphabet Parade.

Please note the following items in this Thursday’s envelope:

  • A letter outlining important information regarding our “Pre-K Pirate Day” festivities on Friday, September 23rd. We are already looking forward to an exciting day with our students and families. Please let us know if you are able to volunteer by returning the attached form.
  • The first Letter People “Parent Letter”. This will explain skills we have introduced for the week along with suggestions and activities to use at home with your child. 


  • There is still time to send in your Firefly/Scholastic book order.
  • Due to the many children and teachers with allergies we kindly ask the DO NOT wear scented creams and perfumes to school. Thank you in advance for your understanding and support!
  • We appreciate all the special notes regarding pick up, lunch, etc… attached to your child’s backpack.
  • Please send in a family picture to add to our board–we would like 100% participation.


  •  Friday, September 2nd — Letter N Parade — don’t forget your toy/item to share
  • Monday September 3rd — Labor Day — No School
  • Friday, September 23rd — Pre-K Pirate Day — info to follow in this Thursday’s envelope



The Preschool Teachers 

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August 22, 2016

Dear Parents,

The children are beginning to settle into their classrooms and we are delighted with the ease in which they have adjusted to the schedule and routine. We would also like to thank all our families for your patience as we transitioned into the new school year. Every now and then we experience a few “little bumps”!

To make reading our Pre-K Post easier, we often make a list of items and dates of importance. Here goes!


  • Please attach a note to your child’s backpack about any special pick-up or lunch information.
  • Read the School Handbook and return the signed form ASAP.
  • Send in a family picture.
  • Lots of rainy days ahead! Please remember to send in a poncho for your child.
  • Please note the Scholastic Book Order in tomorrow’s envelope. This is an inexpensive way to purchase wonderful books for your child.



  • Monday, September 5 – Labor Day – No School
  • Friday, September 23 –  Pre-K Pirate Day – news to follow soon


We look forward to a fun and exciting year with your child.


Mrs. Forget, Mrs. Brennan and Mrs. Brown

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Great First Week in Pre-K

Dear Preschool Parents,

Our school year is off to a wonderful start! The children are busy exploring their classrooms, participating in group activities, and having fun on the playground.

As you noticed at our Open House, our theme for the year is “Ocean Explorers.” We will be learning about the many different ways in which God wants us to be be kind, loving, and caring for one another while appreciating His creation of our world, people,  animals on land, in water, and the air.

Our curriculum “Let’s Begin with the Letter People” will be introduced in a few weeks. Keep reading our weekly post to find out our special letter for the week so that your child can bring in an item from home that begins with a particular letter. We will remind you!

IMPORTANT: All messages to your child’s teacher must go through the school’s office. Teachers leave the classroom to take the children to Afternoon Pick Up by 2:40 p.m. so if there are changes to your child’s pick up, notify the office. The school’s office closes at 3:30, but wait to hear the extension to our Preschool Building for the After School Extended Care phone. If they do not answer, that is because they are on the playground. Call back shortly afterwards.

Thank you for sharing your child with us!

The Preschool Teachers


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Welcome Ocean Explorers!


Welcome St. Anastasia Preschool Parents and Students!

The Teachers and Assistants are looking forward to meeting you at the Open House on Friday, August 12th at 1:30 in your child’s classroom. We look forward to an exciting year of learning, sharing, and experiencing God’s many wonders.

Be sure to bring your school supplies and afternoon resting mats to Open House to be placed inside your child’s Cubby.

Don’t forget the ribbon cutting for the new K to 8th grades playground starting at 1:00 this Friday with Open House following.




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