Pre-K Post

September 28, 2020


Preschool - Muir Elementary School

Dear Parents,

This week the children will be learning about the letter “H” with Mr. H and his “happy hair.” We will be dancing to the Hokey Pokey and Hop, Hop, Stop to get our morning workout. We will also take some time to share some classic tales – The Little Red Hen, Harold & the Purple Crayon and A House for Hermit Crab. We will also begin decorating our rooms for Halloween. What a busy week it will be!

A Very Special Study

We are planning a special study of Saint Francis of Assisi next week. The children will learn about his life, love of nature and commitment to the Lord.

Our closing activity will be a “Pet/Animal Blessing” on Thursday, October 8th.  Mrs. Schildwachter, our Director of Campus Ministry, will be visiting the classrooms to lead us in a special prayer. That being said, we would like each child to bring in a stuffed animal to be blessed by Wednesday, October 7th. To symbolize Saint Francis’ devotion to others we would also like each family to send in a small donation of dog food or bones to share with animals in need at our local Humane Society.

Dates of Importance

  • Friday, October 2th — Letter “H” Day — remember to bring something to “Show and Tell
  • Tuesday, October 6th — Individual student photos will be taken
  • Thursday, October 8th — Saint Francis Day Blessing


The Preschool Teachers

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September 24, 2020


Preschool - Muir Elementary School

Dear Families,

This has been a busy week. We are learning all about the letter “P” with Ms. P and her pointy patches. We are reading Pete the Cat & The Three Little Pig stories, learning about peacocks, examining pumpkins and pineapples and of course popping popcorn.

Mrs. Trabulsy coordinated a special study with the University of Florida IFAS Extension Office this week too. Each classroom received a butterfly chrysalis to observe as it makes it’s transformation into a butterfly. What fun!

We would like to thank those families that were able to donate sand and plastic pails for our playground. Our sand box is full again and the children our enjoying “painting” with water in the afternoons!

Notes of Importance

  • Don’t forget, tomorrow is letter “P” Show & Tell
  • To check your child’s backpack for at home practice
  • Student pictures are Tuesday, Oct. 6th

With our thanks,

The Preschool Teachers

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September 15, 2020

Preschool - Muir Elementary School


Dear Pre-K Families,

This week we are studying the letter “W” with Ms. W and her wonderful words. We are busy learning about weather, reading about Mrs. Wishy-Washy and of course eating watermelon. The children are also learning about their faith as we read the story of  Jonah and the Whale.

IMPORTANT NEWS – Due to the current situation, we will no longer offer Early Arrival  from 7:15 – 7:30 for preschool children. Regular Arrival will now begin at 7:30 instead of 7:35 by the Band Room located along the driveway between the Church and the School. Please remember to stay in your vehicle. DO NOT park and walk your child. Each child will continue to have their temperature checked before they are unbuckled from their car seat. Thank you in advance for your continued cooperation.


  • Friday, September 18th — Letter W Show & Tell
  • Masks — Please remember to send an extra clean mask with your child each day. We do keep extras in the classrooms for emergencies, but a personal spare mask is very helpful to have on hand.
  • Donation Opportunity — play sand for our sandbox, plastic pails or buckets for the children


The Preschool Teachers


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September 8, 2020


Preschool - Muir Elementary SchoolDear Pre-K Families,

We are looking forward to another terrific week as we get ready to meet our first Letter Friend Puppet, Mr. N. He will introduce and help us learn all about the letter N with many fun songs, activities and stories. Be sure to ask your child about Mr. N and his noisy nose.

Each Friday, we will have “Show and Tell”. This week your child may bring in something that begins with the letter N to share. The first Letter People Parent Letter, explaining skills we have introduced for the week along with suggestions and activities, will be sent home this week.

Thank you for all your support and patience as we’ve transitioned into the new school year. Our Morning Drop Off and two Pick Ups are getting smoother each day. Please remember to stay in your car and then pull up to buckle your child into their car seat at 3:00 dismissal. This helps to keep our line moving more smoothly.


  • We appreciate all the special notes regarding pick up, lunch, etc… attached to your child’s backpack. Please remember to include your child’s name and the date.
  • Please check your child’s backpack each day for items or notes being sent home.
  • Each Friday your child will bring home their blanket/towel. Please wash and return it on the following Monday. 


  • Friday, September 11th — Letter N Show & Tell


Mrs. Brennan, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Theonnissen and Mrs. Wingert

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August 31, 2020


Preschool - Muir Elementary School

Assorted-color and breed animals animated illustration, Brazil Safari Drawing Northern giraffe, safari, mammal ...

Dear Parents, 

Our second week of school is off to a terrific start! We are reinforcing letter and number skills as we continue our study of animals. The children are also busy learning new songs, dances and rhymes. More exciting news, Mrs. Mijia started her Spanish program with the children – what fun.

Thank you to all those parents who have already sent in extra clothes, rain ponchos and family pictures. Ponchos will be kept in your child’s backpack, not their cubby, in case they are needed in the morning or after we walk out for dismissal.

Please be patient as we unload and safely get your children into the classroom at morning drop-off. As always, we are trying to keep “the line” moving as quickly as possible.


  • If you child is out because of illness they will need a note in order to return to school.
  • Please attach a note to your child’s backpack about any special pick-up or lunch information. To eliminate confusion, remember to include their name and date on the note.
  • Each Friday your child will bring home their blanket/towel. Please wash and return it on the following Monday. 
  • Please remember your child should wear a clean mask to school each day. We have extra fresh masks if your are ever in need.
  • Monday, September 7th  – Labor Day – No School

With our thanks,

Mrs. Brennan, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Thoennissen and Mrs. Wingert

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